Motherhood, the hardest job you'll ever love
Mom Tee Shirt Sayings With Motherhood Messages. Maternity T-Shirts. High
Quality Mom Tee Shirts For All Moms. Imagine, How Pleased A Mom Will Be!
Our Mom Tee Shirts Make Great Gifts !
Mother's are the most important individuals in our lives. We begin our lives completely dependent on them for our every need. Many believe that we search for aspects of the mother child relationship throughout our entire lives. Love it or hate it, she was your first love and will never be gone from your heart. You will always be in her heart also. Try telling her not to love you, try telling to her to forget you existed. It is impossible. Unless you are a mother yourself, you can never understand the intensity of this love.
A friend sent me a t-shirt from your website. The one she picked was the t-shirt that says "You can't scare me, I have kids." It's my all time favorite mommy tee shirt. This is the tee shirt I get for all my friends when I need to buy a mommy gift. They love getting it as much as I did! Thanks for making such nice products.
Your mommy tee shirts are just great!
Jessica Bender. Charlotte NC
A friend sent me a t-shirt from your website. The one she picked was the t-shirt that says "You can't scare me, I have kids." It's my all time favorite mommy tee shirt. This is the tee shirt I get for all my friends when I need to buy a mommy gift. They love getting it as much as I did! Thanks for making such nice products.
Your mommy tee shirts are just great!
Jessica Bender. Charlotte NC
Flirty Diva Tees offers the best mommy tee shirts, our customers choose our mom t shirts and shirts to celebrate being a mother, they're high quality, and have great styling. Our momma tees are just words, quote tees and funny saying tee shirts just for Mums with some very true statements that mothers are connecting with. "You can't scare me, I have kids" is an example of our true statement mother tee shirts just for moms.